

Classic Color

Colors used in the sketch are varied and vibrant, with an emphasis on using color to accurately shade the facial features in order to lend a lively realism to the portrait.



Detailed Pen

Cross-hatched lines and gently blended graphite come together to create a pencil sketch in greyscale. A realistic style with a traditional feel.



Ink Brush

Inky, expressive line sketching with realistic features drawn in greyscale. Semi-transparent washes build up to high contrast and elegant black brush strokes.



Fashion Sketch

Background is primarily white with a pop of color to accent a figure from head to toe. Style and features are whimsical, similar to a fashion sketch, with emphasis on full body language and outfit. Facial features are soft and muted.



Pop Art

With bold lines and striking color choices, this style will provide a unique look reminiscent of article or magazine illustrations. A more minimalist approach, key features will be highlighted.

#1 Standard

#2 Standard

#3 Standard

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